Aging. Where does the time go?
It is a question I always ask myself. I have found the more I have aged the faster it moves.
With the passing of time we grow softer around the edges, what was once in one place may now have moved to another. We have lived a life that has given us knowledge, extended our families, caused us heartbreak and given us a lifetime of memories.
If you have lived past 50 years of age consider yourself lucky, it is not a privilege given to everyone. If you are healthy and happy, even better. As we age the body and mind have tendencies to break down and there are way too many medications on the market that state they will help, but not without numerous side effects. The question is, how do we stay mentally and physically healthy as we age, with as few drugs as possible?
Genetics have a lot to do with how you age, as well as how much you eat, drink or smoke. You can help yourself by quitting smoking, it is one of the hardest addictions to beat. Eating habits can sometimes be generational, you eat the same way your parents ate. Big portions, big plates and large dinners. We are a far more sedentary group than our parents were, and as you age your metabolism slows down. We should adapt healthier eating habits, by using smaller plates, eating more vegetables, and drinking more water.
Exercise is important as you age; it helps fight high blood pressure, high cholesterol and bone loss. It also helps with muscle, memory and balance. Walking for exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week is a great habit to integrate into your life, if you add some moderate weight lifting to accompany the walking the benefits can be huge.
Packing healthier snacks in your car or your backpack when hunger strikes is a great way to stop the ravenous hunger that strikes when you go too long without food.
Before you say no say yes. Don’t become set in your ways, be open to opportunities and keep a healthy social circle. Keeping your mind open as you age will open up new and different ideas, new hobbies and groups. Stay away from people that drain your energy, complain or have negative tendencies.
Making small changes to your life can have a big impact and you are never too old to change or try something new.